George Maharis’s Health Condition Before Death: What’s Wrong With the Route 66 Star? 2023

George Maharis’s Health Condition Before Death: George Maharis was not in good health. Let’s find out more about what’s wrong with the Route 66 Star.

George Maharis was a famous singer, actor, and artist from the United States. In the first three seasons of the popular TV show Route 66, George played the important part of Buz Murdock.

Maharis is a singer who has also made a lot of pop albums. Some of his most popular songs are They Knew About You, That’s How It Goes, and A World Without Sunshine.

Also, Maharis was one of the most popular American actors. You can see him in Hullabaloo, Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre, The Happening, and The Satan Bug.

George Maharis’s Health Condition Before Death

Before he died, George Maharis was not in good health. Fans and well-wishers have been worried about Maharis’ health for a long time and have asked many questions about it.

George was identified with hepatitis, just so you know. Not only that, but hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by drinking a lot of alcohol, being exposed to toxins, taking certain medicines, or having a certain medical condition.

George Maharis's Health Condition Before Death:

When he left part two of Route 66, people found out about his health. Later, it turned out that George was lying about how sick he was. He was also sad because he couldn’t be in the series because of this.

Maharis came back to the show, but he didn’t stay long because he got sick again. In an interview in 2007, he talked about the time he got sick. His doctor told him that if he didn’t leave the scene, he would either die or hurt his liver for good.

George Maharis, Who Was in the Movie Route 66, Died of Hepatitis

On May 24, 2023, hepatitis killed Route 66 actor George Maharis. Marc Bahan, who had known George for a long time and helped care for him, confirmed the story by saying that George died at his home in Beverly Hills.

As was already said, Maharis had a hard time with his illness while Route 66 was being made. In 1962, George got hepatitis while shooting in the third season. He was in the hospital for a month.

After the news of his death spread on social media, people wrote tributes and words of sorrow. So, George’s family and friends also have Genius Celebs’ deepest sympathy.


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The Death Notice and Funeral Services for George Maharis

After his death at age 94, George Maharis’s biography has already been shared. Maharis had a brother and a sister who lived after him.

When word got out that George had died, friends and well-wishers started to worry about his funeral. But neither the outlets that have been checked nor his representative has confirmed the information about the services.

George Maharis's Health Condition Before Death:

Because of this, many people have thought that the services might be set up secretly. Someone wrote about the person who had died, “My condolences to his family and friends. I thought he was very beautiful and a good actor. RIP.”

Another supporter said, “George was so good on 66 that the show never got better after he left. Those first three years with Marty were golden!”

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