Indian series “Yeh Hai Chahatein” Samrat and Nayantara played “Passing the Parcel” at a family picnic on May 6, 2023. Nayantara lost the game because Samrat flirted and held her hand. Ishani forced Nayantara to dance, but she claimed she lost because of Samrat.
Nayantara danced joyously with Ishani after accepting the sentence. Samrat lost the next round, and Prem urged him to kiss his love. Samrat glanced at Nayantara, making her shy. He puckered up and kissed Prem on the forehead instead, making everyone laugh and Nayantara feel uneasy.
Mansi chastised her thugs for not finding Samrat’s relatives. She was furious and intended to punish Samrat for betraying her. Ishani and Mohit went to grab samosas, and Mohit gave Ishani to him since she said she was full. Samrat sang to Nayantara to talk to Ishani and offered them half his samosa.
Samrat asked Mohit if he liked Ishani while getting water. Samrat advised Mohit to propose to Ishani since he was pleased when she was around. Nayantara advised Ishani to put love before ego and tell Mohit how she feels.
Finally, Prem and Chintu turned on Samrat’s phone to discover a game.
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Yeh Hai Chahatein 8th May 2023 Written Update: Samrat Call Mansi and Set Up a Meeting!
When Mansi’s phone turns on, he finds out where Samrat is, and he chooses to go there. At the same time, Mohit gets down on one knee in front of the whole family and asks Ishani to marry him. Ishani is overwhelmed, but she says yes to Mohit’s proposal and tells him she loves him.
Later, Samrat teases Nayantara about confessing her love, but she tells him that she already did that on the last day of the show. Samrat asks her to admit it again and tells her that if she doesn’t, he will kiss her. Samrat moves closer to Nayantara in order to kiss her, but she says “I love you” in his ear as he gets closer.
Samrat acts angry and tells her to say it out loud. Nayantara yells that she loves him, which gets everyone’s attention. Samrat is happy and hugs Nayantara as everyone else cheers.
Mansi sees this happen while she is hiding, so she chooses to get back at Samrat’s family for betraying her. As the family is getting ready to leave, Mansi calls Samrat and promises to get Malti and Govind killed in a car crash. Samrat is worried because Mansi hangs up on him before he can finish his pleas.
Samrat then tells Mohit to drop off the rest of the family at home and act like he has to go to a very important meeting. Samrat borrows a bike from someone, so he can get home fast and help Malti and Govind. When he gets there, he’s glad to see that they’re already home safe and sound.
After that, Samrat tells Govind and Malti that he is going to talk to Mansi to warn her, and he calls Mansi to set up a meeting.
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