Wise Man’s Grandchild is a popular anime series that debuted in 2019. It tells the narrative of Shin Wolford, a young man who dies in a car accident and is resurrected on another planet. Shin rapidly becomes a formidable wizard with his newfound magical talents and knowledge from his past life, making new allies along the way. Fans have been waiting for word on a second season with bated breath, so let’s take a look at everything we know so far.
Recap of the First Season
Let’s take a quick look back at the first season before we go into the second. Shin Wolford is resurrected as a baby in a magical world after dying in a vehicle accident in Wise Man’s Grandchild. Merlin Walford, a great wizard who also happens to be his grandfather, took him in. Shin was raised in a lonely wilderness with his grandfather, where he learned magic and battle skills. Shin left the wilderness when he was 15 and enrolled in the elite Earlshide Kingdom’s Magical Academy. He made friends with other classmates and finally rose to become one of the most powerful pupils in his class.
Shin and his allies encountered numerous hardships throughout the first season, including a demon invasion and a terrorist strike. They were able to overcome these challenges because of their abilities and teamwork. The season concluded with Shin and his pals beginning their second year at the academy, laying the groundwork for future adventures.
Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 Release Date
The release date for The Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 could be revealed at any point. Although the release date of this anime is unknown, we can expect Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 to be published at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024 if an announcement is made in the coming months.
However, as soon as we receive any official information on Wise Man’s Grandchild season 2, we will notify you via this article.
Season 2 is quite likely, according to the source material, because the first season is an adaptation of volumes 1–3 of the light novel. And there are still 13 volumes to go. If a new season begins, Volumes 3–6 will be altered. According to the source material, there could be three more seasons, which would be enough to cover three seasons.
What is the Plot of Wise Man’s Grandchild? Next, What Will Happen?
Shin Wolford, a world-renowned magician, is the primary character in Wise Man’s Grandchild.
The plot begins with a Japanese salesperson dying after being hit by a truck, and then he is born in another world where magic exists. And our main character rises to become the most powerful magician in the world. And his grandfather and grandma are present when he is born.
However, Shin Wolford’s grandma and grandfather are not real people. Friends, this moment will be introduced to you in the first episode of Season 1. His granddad provides substantial training to the character during his early years. He is also stronger than his grandfather. In addition, his grandfather is said to be training him to kill the demon beast.
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However, our main character kills the demon beast with a single blow, and this scenario is simply incredible. Shin Wolford’s granddad is a well-known and brilliant magician. As the novel progresses, we learn that our hero begins to ponder his alternatives at the age of 15. His uncle then encourages him to attend the Magic Academy.
He then enrolls in a magical academy. The tale then gets off to a good start. Friends Wise Man’s Grandchild is a light book series; if you want to learn more about it, you can also learn about the second season 2 comes after studying its light novel and manga. However, you can watch the first 12 episodes of the show on Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, and many more platforms.
Where To Watch Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2?
Season 2 of The Wise Man’s Grandchild will air very soon. Although there is no official indication of when the program will return, fans should expect it around Wise Man’s Grandchild in 2022. This series is available for watching on Netflix or HULU.
In the meantime, you may rewatch the first season on Netflix, Hulu, or Crunchyroll. And if you’re seeking more anime stuff, be sure to visit our website for the newest anime news and reviews.