Tufang is an upcoming Punjabi film written and directed by Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan. Geet MP3 created the film. It stars Guri, Rukshar Dhillon, and Jagjeet Sandhu in the key roles, with Harpreet Bains, Baljinder Bains, Mahavir Bhullar, and Karanveer Khullar in supporting roles.
In this article, we will delve into the release date of Tufang and provide you with all the information you need to anticipate this exciting cinematic experience.
Tufang Release Date
Tufang will be released on July 21, 2023. Principal photography began in February 2023. On March 24, 2023, the film’s production was completed. Stay tuned for more updates from the filmmakers.
Tufang: Cast
Tufang boasts a stellar ensemble cast, comprising both established actors and promising newcomers. Here is the list:
- Guri
- Rukshaar Dhillon
- Jagjeet Sandhu
- Harpreet Bains
- Baljinder Bains
- Mahavir Bhullar
- Karanveer Khullar
- Arsh Hundal
- Jasmin Kaur
Story of Tufang Movie
Tufang’s plot centres around a riveting tale of action and vengeance, driven by the film’s two major characters. Tufang looks to be an exciting thriller centred on a high-stakes heist and the tangled web of events that follow.
Suspense, unexpected turns, and exciting action sequences keep viewers captivated from beginning to end. Tufang aspires to create an impression on the audience with its riveting narrative and excellent cast.
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Trailer for Tufang
Geet MP3 posted the official teaser for the Tufang film on their official YouTube page.
Audience Anticipation
Tufang has already piqued the interest of moviegoers and thriller fans. The intriguing storyline and outstanding actors have attracted the interest of moviegoers, who are anxiously awaiting the premiere of this captivating picture. Discussions and speculation abound on social media platforms and internet forums, contributing to the rising buzz surrounding Tufang.
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Tufang, with its compelling storyline and skilled ensemble, promises to be a thrilling cinematic experience. As the official release date is announced, fans and moviegoers alike excitedly await the unveiling of this highly anticipated picture. Prepare for an exciting ride as Tufang takes the heist genre to new heights.
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