“Teri Meri Doriyaan” is a Hindi-language soap show that airs on Star Plus and Disney+ Hotstar. The lives of the Brar brothers (Angad, Garry, and Veer) and the Monga sisters (Sahiba, Seerat, and Keerat) are at the center of the show.
But it’s up to fate to decide which of them will become friends. Even though Angad and Sahiba hate each other, their families make them marry each other. This is the start of Angad and Sahiba’s story of love and hate.
Read this article to find out more about the show’s new plot twists and reveals.
Also, check these Articles:
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 1st May 2023: Garry Embraces Angad After Promising to Help Him!
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 28th April 2023: Sahiba Reveal the Secret to Angad!
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 30th April 2023: Garry Tries to Turn Angad Against Sahiba!
Teri Meri Doriyaann 2nd May 2023: Japjyot Thanks Sahiba for Being Her Granddaughter-in-law!
On the May 2, 2023, episode of Teri Meri Dooriyaan, Jasleen, and Garry try to insult Sahiba and make Manveer look bad. But Pamela calls Sahiba and gives her a Muh-dikhai gift, telling Manveer that she should be happy with what fate has given her.
When Japjyot joins them, she thanks Sahiba for being her granddaughter-in-law. Pamela and Shanaya greet Daadi and give her a gift from London that is very special. Seerat is bothered by how rude Santosh is to her at the Monga house, and she dreams of a luxurious life with Garry.
She plans to get back at Santosh for how he has treated her. Keerat comes in and tells her she has to cook for the family dinner, which makes the two sisters fight. Visit hotstar.com to watch the full episode or download all of Teri Meri Dooriyaan in Hindi.
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