“Teri Meri Doriyaann” is a Hindi-language television drama series revolving around the lives of three Brar brothers, Angad, Garry, and Veer, and three Monga sisters, Sahiba, Seerat, and Keerat. However, destiny and God will determine who forms a bond with whom.
Angad and Sahiba marry despite their mutual hatred for each other due to familial pressure. Thus, their love-hate relationship in the show commences. You can peruse the article to learn the latest plot twist in the series.
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 17th April 2023: Sahiba Asked Kirat for Help to Keep Eyes on Seerat and Santosh!
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 28th April 2023: Sahiba Reveal the Secret to Angad!
- Teri Meri Doriyaann 27th April 2023: Angad is Confused to See Garry and Seerat Together!
Teri Meri Doriyaann 1st May 2023: Garry Embraces Angad After Promising to Help Him!
In the episode of Teri Meri Dooriyaan that broadcast today, on May 1, 2023, Seerat locks herself in a room and weeps as she recalls the hardships she has endured recently. Garry and Sahiba are forbidden from meeting Seerat until Angad receives answers to his queries from her.
Keerat and Veer, meanwhile, are intrigued about what they missed. Garry embraces Angad after promising to assist him in discovering the truth, demonstrating that blood is denser than water.
Later, Angad visits Sahiba in her room and advises her that her accusations against Garry may have a negative impact on their relationship. Sahiba affirms that she will demonstrate her innocence. Sahiba nearly faints as Angad is departing, but he catches her and tends to her wound.
As they gaze into one another’s eyes, they share an intense moment together. Will Garry once again be able to conceal the truth from Angad? Visit hotstar.com to view or download the most recent episode of Teri Meri Dooriyaan.
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