Rani Padmini Cause of Death: Rani Padmini was an Indian actor who worked mostly in Malayalam movies. The first TV show Rani was in was Thushaaram, which aired in 1981 and was directed by I V Sasi. People know the Hindi TV business for its glamorous roles. Rani Padmini, her parents, and three workers were all killed on October 15, 1986.
Who Was Rani Padmini Actress?
Rani Padmini is an actress who was born and raised in Anna Nagar. She was Indirakumari’s child. She was a big star in Tamil and Telugu movies in the 1980s. Her first TV shows were Parankimala, Sangarshanam, and Bandhanam.
Rani Padmini Cause of Death
There was an attack on Rani Padmini Actress’s mother Indirakumari on October 15, 1986, and her watchman, Lakshmi Narasimhan, and her cook Kutty, or driver, Jebaraj were killed. After that, Rani came to find out what was going on when she heard the news, but they all killed her. The three of them were caught by cops. In the case of the murder of Rani Padmini, some well-known people were also caught.
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Rani Padmini Biography
Rani Padmini was an Indian actress who worked in movies. During the 1980s, she played major roles in many well-known Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu movies. It was well-known that she played glamorous parts. The movie “Sangharsham” was her first work in the movie business. They killed her and her mother in their home on October 15, 1986. Three of her workers did it.
Their names were Jebaraj, the driver, Lakshmi Narasimhan alias Kutty, the watchman, and Ganeshan, the cook. On the morning of October 15, 1986, they killed Rani Padmini’s mother Indirakumari. Rani Padmini went to check out her mother’s screams but was killed by the men who beat her up.
The three were caught, though, and given life sentences. People all over Tamil Nadu and Kerala were shocked when Rani Padmini was killed. It was said that the three men were caught to protect a famous person who was close to Rani Padmini.
What was the Reason Behind Rani Padmini Murder?
One day, Jebaraj was bad with Rani Padmini, so she hit him. He was also fired from his job. Soon, Lakshmi Narasimhan also left. Ganesan, on the other hand, stayed. Both of Jebaraj’s friends backed him up when he wanted to get even. Plans were made for how they were going to steal their money and kill them.
They found out that Rani Padmini was going to buy the house where they were living, and the deal was going to happen soon. They thought that people would keep their money at home. When the mother and daughter are at home at night, they like to drink, and thieves take advantage of the event.
They broke into their house without them knowing on October 15, 1986. They stabbed Rani’s mother, who was alone in the room when she went to the kitchen. When Rani got there and heard her mother scream, her three friends raped her in front of her mother and stabbed her badly as well. There were 12 stab wounds in her chest. They put the bodies of the mother and daughter in the bathroom, then ran away with their 15 lakh rupee and 10,000 rupee jewelry.
It had been five days since the crime when the broker Prasad got there. No one answered the doorbell, so he just looked around the house. He got into the house through a back door that was open. When he saw the dead bodies in the bathroom, he screamed and ran out of the house. He told the police. The death was in the news all over South India.
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The police surgeon said that PM should be done in the bathroom because the bodies were already broken down and couldn’t be moved. Still, no ambulances were ready to take the bodies to the morgue, and it took the police a while to finally get a taxi. They only let the driver use the trunk, though, which is where the bodies were put in plastic bags and sealed.
Rani Padmini, an Indian actress known for her glamorous roles in Malayalam and Tamil movies, was murdered on October 15, 1986, by her watchman, Lakshmi Narasimhan, and her cook, Kutty. The three workers were caught by police and given life sentences. The murder was a result of jealousy between Jebaraj and Rani Padmini, who had planned to steal their money from their home. The thieves broke into the house, stabbed Rani’s mother, and raped her. The bodies were placed in the bathroom and ran away with their valuables. The incident shocked Tamil Nadu and Kerala.