“Meet” is a Hindi-language drama television series. Meet Hooda, a strong-willed Haryana girl whose father is a police officer, is the protagonist of the series. Ahlawat ends his connection with Meet due to misunderstandings.
Manushi flees her wedding and marries Kunal, forcing Meet Hooda to marry Meet Ahlawat. Meet Hooda travels to Sarkarpur to realize her late husband’s goal of constructing a factory and hiring women.
However, she is opposed by the reactionary Sarkar family, who feel that women should not work and should instead focus on raising their families. This article will look at the most recent plot twist in this show.
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 Meet 22nd April 2023: Jasodha Knows That Shagun Has Stolen Meet’s Mangalsutra!
Shagun is perplexed after seeing a necklace in Meet’s hand in today’s episode of Meet on April 22nd, 2023, and wonders if Meet is telling the truth. Meet and Meghana exchange a look as they search for the authentic Mangalsutra.
Shagun enters her room, but instead of checking to verify if the genuine Mangalsutra is still present, she lies on her bed and smiles to herself. Meet and Meghana watch from the window as Shagun confronts them and warns Meet that she has been duped before and would not be duped again.
Meet hisses in frustration as she struggles to get the Mangalsutra in time. Meanwhile, Jasodha maintains a watch on the Jyot and becomes concerned as it prepares to leave.
Jasodha prays to the Goddess, knowing that Shagun has stolen Meet’s Mangalsutra, and requests the Goddess’ help in assisting Meet. Visit zee5.com to download all episodes of Meet serial or to watch the entire episode of Meet today (April 22nd, 2023) online.
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