The “Ladli Behna Yojana” was introduced by Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, on March 5, 2023. The government will give women in MP a monthly stipend of Rs. 1000 under this program. The program was introduced to commemorate the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh’s 65th birthday. Soon, readers who are curious about the program and want to apply for it will be able to do so.
Beginning on March 25, 2023, applications will be accepted. Given that the application procedure has not yet begun, individuals who are interested can learn more about the Ladli Behna Yojana 2023 by reading the article below.
Highlights of the Ladli Behna Yojana 2023 Scheme
Following is an overview of the scheme – with important dates and other relevant information
Name of the Scheme | Ladli Behna Yojana |
Launched On | 5th March 2023 |
Launched By | CM of MP i.e., Shivraj Singh Chouhan |
Beneficiaries | women of Madhya Pradesh |
Benefits | Get Rs. 1000/- per month for 5 years. |
Application Form Availability Status | To be released |
Application Form Availability Mode | Offline Mode |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Eligibility Criteria for Ladli Behna Yojana 2023 Scheme
The Ladli Behna Yojana Login portal will be used for the login. The following conditions, which the candidates must meet in order to participate, must be read.
- Girls born on or after January 1st, 2006.
- The girl will be registered at the local Anganwadi facility.
- The girl’s parents must be residents of Madhya Pradesh.
- The parents lack the ability to file income taxes.
- The parents started practising family planning after having a second child.
- The first female born will be eligible for the benefits, and after the second girl is born, the parents must start using family planning. The benefits of the program will then only be offered by the government.
How to Apply For Ladli Behna Yojana Scheme 2023?
You can fill out the application forms online. The process to apply for Ladli Behna Yojana is easy and simple. Candidates just have to follow the steps below.
- The candidates must go to the site
- On the home page, there is an option for Aavydan Karein (Apply) to fill out the form.
- After reading all of the terms, you must then check the self-declaration boxes and show them there.
- Click on the link for the next choice. Then, a new page will show up.
- Here’s what you should type:
- Ladli’s Samagra ID Enter the total ID for Ladli’s family, then choose For which Ladli is the application being made. From the list that drops down.
- Then you’ll have to fill in information about your family and any other information asked.
Ladli Behna Yojana Required Documents
There isn’t a long enough list of the documents. According to the authority’s eligibility requirements, the documents are required. Only after a successful verification that the applicant satisfies all requirements will the application be taken into consideration. Verifying the documents is necessary in order to check them.
In addition to reviewing the paperwork, the volunteer may also provide a copy of it on the application form. It is therefore advised to have the Aadhar card or identity card, the bank passbook, and other documents on hand while completing the application.
Ladli Behna Yojana 2023 Benefits
The government will offer financial aid to qualified women in the state through this program. Each month, they would receive Rs. 1000 in their respective bank accounts. The program will continue for another five years. This program will assist women in developing in a variety of fields.
The program attempts to assist women who are struggling financially. It is strongly advised that readers apply for this because it will only offer modest financial assistance over the course of five years. The officials may raise the number of years for the project if things go smoothly in the future.