Kundali Bhagya is an iconic Indian romantic drama television series produced by Ekta Kapoor, which is a spin-off of the Kumkum Bhagya series. It debuted on Zee TV on July 12, 2017. In a recent episode, Rakhi offers to accompany Rishabh, but he declines, asserting that he can manage everything on his own.
Rakhi inquires about Shaurya upon seeing Karan and Nidhi. Karan disregards her and instead discusses their meeting with Mahesh and Rishabh. Rishabh questions Karan were Shaurya is, and Karan responds that Shaurya is in police custody. Nidhi accuses Karan of not wishing for Shaurya’s release, but Karan denies this and explains why Shaurya’s actions should not be supported.
Rakhi recalls to Karan that Shaurya is his son, but Karan continues to insist that Shaurya must be punished and corrected. Kareena requests Karan to bring Shaurya home, so they can explain his errors to him. Karan, however, remains steadfast and ascends the stairs, followed by Rishabh.
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In another part of the story, Preeta tells Gurpreet all about what’s been going on. All of a sudden, Palki tells everyone about a bus accident, which gets their attention. Rajveer tells them that he found Shaurya’s jeep and taught him a lesson. He tells Gurpreet he’s sorry for making trouble, but she tells him he didn’t do anything wrong.
She also says that she wants to meet Rajveer’s mom. Preeta talks about Srishti and says that Rajveer reminds her more of herself than Srishti does. Palki says she is going home, so Rajveer offers to take her there. Just then, Gurpreet’s son Mohit shows up, and Preeta and Rajveer meet him.
Palki tells Preeta later that Mohit doesn’t have any good values, and then she leaves. In the meantime, Shaurya swears to get back at Rajveer, while Sanju tries to stop him from bringing Preeta into it. Shaurya speaks up for Preeta and then turns back to Rajveer, promising to make him pay for what he did.
Rajveer and Palki, on the other hand, walk together as she shows him her house before going inside. In a different scene, Rishabh wants to talk to Karan, but Karan tells him not to waste time and tells him to go away. Rishabh talks about how upset he is that Karan doesn’t understand their family or their feelings.
He says that Karan is like a robot and that Shaurya is sad because he misses his father. Karan responds that Preeta should have cared for Shaurya, but she left them. Rishabh doesn’t understand why they are talking about someone who is no longer with them. He also wants to know why Preeta left just because they were mean to her.
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Karan sticks to what he said and walks away, which makes Rishabh think that Karan is still angry and can’t show it.
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