“Kumkum Bhagya” is an Indian Hindi-language drama television series made by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms. After six years, the Kohli family finds out that Prachi and Panchi are still living, which they didn’t know before. Prachi now lives in Bangalore with Baljeet Dadi and Shahana.
They are happy there. When Prachi goes to Delhi, she meets Kaaya and becomes friends with her. Kaaya doesn’t know that Prachi is Ranbir’s wife. Ranbir and Prachi finally meet Khushi, but they don’t know that she is Panchi, their long-lost daughter.
They get very close to her. But Prachi still has feelings of anger toward Ranbir. Akshay, the son of Ashok Tandon and a friend who has helped Prachi for the past six years finishes his schooling in London and goes back to India.
It turns out that he really likes Prachi. At the same time, Rhea, who has changed, also goes back to Delhi. Read this article for more information about what will happen in the next episodes.
- Kumkum Bhagya 10th May 2023 Written Update: Biggest Surprise From Khushi to Ranbir!
- Kumkum Bhagya 1st May 2023: Ranbir’s Life is Now in Danger!
- Kumkum Bhagya 2nd May 2023 Written Update: Ranbeer is Surprised to See Rhea!
Kumkum Bhagya 15th May 2023 Written Update: Khushi Gets Out of Her Hiding Place!
Avni asks Prachi why she keeps staring into the same room over and over again. Prachi says that they have looked everywhere in the room for Khushi but haven’t been able to find her. Prachi says that Ranbir’s mother, Pallavi, owns the room and says that Pallavi would do anything to make sure her son is happy.
Dida says that she is worried that Prachi might find out where Khushi is. She asks Ranbir if he can’t see how things are going and if Prachi getting another problem wasn’t enough to make them worry.
At the same time, the cops come to look for Khushi. Khushi gets scared and gets out of her hiding place. She looks around to see what’s going on. Continue reading for a brief written report on Kumkum Bhagya from May 15, 2023.
Must Check:
- Kumkum Bhagya 12th May 2023 Written Update: Ranbir Plans to Leave the City With Khushi!
- Pandya Store 13th May 2023 Written Update: Shiva Meet a Very Pretty Girl!
- Imlie 13th May 2023 Written Update: Dhairya Visit the Camp to Surprise Imlie!
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