The Hindi-language soap TV show Kumkum Bhagya is made by Ekta Kapoor and Balaji Telefilms. In a recent change, it was found out that Prachi and Panchi, who were thought to have died six years ago, are still alive and living in Bangalore with Baljeet Dadi and Shahana.
Prachi’s life is good, and her boss’s son, Akshay, who is also in love with her, helps her out. Rhea, who has changed for the better, goes back to Delhi. Check back to see what happens in the next episodes.
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Kumkum Bhagya 12th May 2023 Written Update: Ranbir Plans to Leave the City With Khushi!
Today’s episode of Kumkum Bhagya, which aired on May 12, 2023, starts with Khushi holding Ranbir’s hand as they get out of the car. Ranbir knows how much Khushi loves ice cream, so he tells the seller to give her as much as she wants.
Khushi doesn’t eat too much, though, because her mother told her it could be bad for her health. Ranbir thinks back on how much he misses having Prachi around to help take care of their child.
Rhea finds out that Ranbir wants to leave the city with Khushi and thinks that she needs to tell Prachi the truth before it’s too late. Visit to catch up on all the episodes of Kumkum Bhagya in Hindi or to watch the most recent show (which aired on May 12, 2023).
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