“Junooniyatt” is a romantic drama television series in the Hindi language. The show on Colors TV has been garnering more interest with each new episode. In the previous episode, Beeji plans to poison Elahi’s food with bhasam, but Lucky arrives and asks to eat with her. Elahi manages to save Lucky by dropping the food on the floor.
Angered, Elahi confronts Beeji and demands to know why she added bhasam to the food. Beeji apologizes and offers to leave the house, but Elahi urges her to stay and warns her not to repeat the act.
Jahaan comes up with a plan to delay the competition by learning how to cut wires from electrical appliances by watching videos on his laptop. Meanwhile, Amardeep gifts Elahi with a black thread that belonged to her mother and is said to be lucky. Elahi wraps the thread around Jahaan’s hand for his protection and good fortune.
On the day of the competition, Jordan’s family wishes him well, and Amardeep extends her good wishes to Elahi. However, Elahi becomes anxious when she can’t find Jahaan backstage.
Must Check:
- Junooniyatt: Lucky Save Elahi From Eating Poisoned Food Made by Beeji!
- Junooniyatt: Elahi Send Kadha and Paratha for Jahaan!
- Junooniyatt: Inderjeet Asks for Proof That the Accident Was Caused by Race!
Junooniyatt: Jordan Threatens to Expose Jahaan by Sharing a Video of Him Cutting the Wires!
In the episode of Junooniyat airing tonight, Jordan and Jahaan engage in a heated argument, with Jordan mocking Jahaan for not participating in the competition. The other participants deny postponing the round for Jahaan, despite Elahi’s request.
However, Jordan agrees to assist. During this time, Jahaan infiltrates the meter room to investigate the wires. While Elahi performs, Jahaan contemplates severing the cables to delay the round.
After some hesitation, he eventually gathers the courage to cut the wires, resulting in a blackout in the auditorium. Due to the electrical problem, the round is postponed, but Jordan discovers Jahaan’s involvement and threatens to expose Jahaan by sharing a video of him cutting the wires, which could result in Jahaan being sent back to Canada.
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