The Indian love drama TV show “Hum Rahein Na Rahein Hum” tells the story of Surili Ahuja Banerjee, a young girl from Colaba, Mumbai, who takes over her parents’ Gramophone café after they die. Shivendra Barot is the oldest prince of Ranakgadh.
He is a responsible and mature person who follows the rules set by his mother, Damayanti Barot, who is also known as the queen. The show, which airs on Sony Entertainment Television, tells the story of Damayanti, the traditional mother of the royal Barot family in Ranakgadh, and Surili, a young woman who is full of life and looks to the future.
This article will talk about what’s going on with the show right now.
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Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum: Surilii Meets Veera, Who Gives Her a Bag of Cash! Surilii Feel Confused
The show is mostly about how people are naturally resistant to change, which often causes fear and makes them want to fight or run away. In the last show, Damayanti sent Veera to get rid of Shivendra’s relationship with Surilii.
In tonight’s (April 21) show, Surilii feels someone at Dia’s birthday party and finds Dia’s father, Monty, who threatens her and asks for money. Monty gets caught by the cops, which is a good thing. Shivendra asks Damayanti why she sent Veera to Mumbai, and she says it’s because she doesn’t want Surilii in his life.
Shivendra tells Surilii that she is already married, has a daughter, and does not want him in her life. In a different scene, Surilii meets Veera, who gives her a bag of cash and tells her to forget about Shivendra. This makes Surilii feel confused.
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