Secure boot is a security feature on your PC that checks the digital signatures of every driver, operating system (OS), and even start software like EFI apps. If they are wrong, you can’t get into your OS. So, any threats from the outside that load while your system is starting up won’t be able to hurt it.
For your computer to run Windows 11, it also needs to boot in a safe way. You have to use the BIOS to turn safe start on or off. But the way you do this depends a lot on what tools you have. So, we made this guide to help you set up this feature on a computer with an ASUS chip.
How do I Enable the Secure Boot in the Asus BIOS?
Safety is very important in the world we live in now. We need to stop people from getting into our systems without permission if we want to keep people safe. One of these is called “Secure Boot,” and it helps stop malicious software and operating systems that haven’t been deleted from running when the computer wakes up.
We’ll show you how to turn on Secure Boot in the Asus BIOS in this post.
What is Asus BIOS?
Let’s talk about what Asus BIOS is before we talk about how to turn on Secure Boot. Basic Input/Output System is what BIOS stands for. When you turn on your computer, a piece of software tells the hardware how to work.
Asus BIOS is a type of BIOS that is used in Asus computers. It lets users change how devices start up, how the CPU is set up, and other options.
What is Secure Boot?
Secure Boot is a part of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware that helps stop malicious software and illegal operating systems from starting up when the system starts up. It checks the digital signatures of boot loaders, drivers, and operating systems before letting them start.
Enabling Secure Boot in Asus BIOS
Now that we know the basics of Asus BIOS and Secure Boot, let’s move on to how to turn on Secure Boot in Asus BIOS.
Step 1: Enter BIOS
To get into Asus BIOS, turn off your computer and keep hitting the Delete key until the BIOS setup tool screen appears. Depending on how your computer is set up, you can also try pressing F2, F10, or F12. When you open the BIOS setup tool, a screen with several tabs will appear.
Step 2: Go to the “Boot” tab
Use the arrow keys to get to the Boot tab. This tab has a number of boot options, like Boot Priority, Fast Boot, and Secure Boot.
Step 3: Turn on Secure Boot
Use the arrow keys to move to Secure Boot and press Enter. On the Secure Boot screen, you can choose “Enabled” or “Disabled.” To save the changes, select “Enabled” and press “Enter.”
Step 4: Save the BIOS and Exit BIOS
Use the arrow keys to move to the Exit tab after you have turned on Secure Boot. Choose Save Changes and Exit and press Enter to save the changes and leave the BIOS setup tool. Your computer will soon turn back on.
What Are the Perks of Enabling Secure Boot in Asus?
When an Asus user puts on Secure Boot, they get a lot of benefits.
Secure Boot makes it harder for illegal operating systems to load when the computer starts up. This makes it harder for people who shouldn’t be able to get into your computer to do so. This makes it harder for people to use your computer without your permission.
The digital names of start loaders, drivers, and operating systems are checked by Secure Start to make sure they are not viruses. This makes it harder for bad programs to load when the computer starts up.
Increased system security. Secure Boot stops illegal operating systems and dangerous software from being loaded, which makes your system safer.
Microsoft’s rules for approval say that computers with Windows 8 or later must have Secure Boot to meet industry standards. When Secure Boot is turned on in Asus, these rules are met. Better system performance. Secure Boot can help improve system performance by preventing unneeded or unwanted software from running at start-up.
In short, setting on Secure Boot in Asus can make your system faster, safer, and more compliant in many ways.
How to Disable Secure Boot?
Secure boot is a great way to stop bad things from getting into your system. But if you also have a non-Microsoft operating system working, like Linux, it won’t be able to handle all Microsoft security keys. You won’t be able to get the other OS to work right because of this.
In this situation, you might not want to use Secure Boot. Here’s what you need to do:
- Shut down your computer and turn it back on.
- Depending on where your BIOS key is, you should press either F2 or Del as soon as your computer wakes up. To get the right speed, you might have to press it more than once.
- In UEFI mode, press F7 to get to Advanced Mode. In Legacy mode, this step is not necessary.
- Click on Secure Boot in the Security tab. Select Secure Boot Control and turn it off.
- If the option isn’t there, go to Boot > Secure Boot. Choose “OS Type” and then “Other OS.”
- Press F10 and choose Yes to save and leave.
You can also turn off Secure Boot by deleting the platform key. But doing this gets rid of the key forever, so you can’t turn on the feature again. So, if you want to use this method, you should first make a copy of it. Here’s what you need to do:
- To get to the Secure Boot setting, plug a working FAT32 USB flash drive into your machine.
- Click Save Secure Boot Keys under Key Management. Then click OK three times.
- Then, select PK Management, Delete Key, and then OK.
- To save the changes and leave the BIOS, press F10 and select “Yes.”
In conclusion, enabling the Secure Boot in the Asus BIOS is very easy and can help keep people from getting into your computer without your permission. Secure Boot checks the digital fingerprints of the boot loaders, drivers, and operating systems when the computer wakes up. This keeps people from using operating systems and apps that could be harmful. We hope that this post has helped you figure out how to turn on Secure Boot in the Asus BIOS.