Anupamaa is a Hindi-language television drama series produced by Rajan Shahi and Deepa Shahi under the banner of Director’s Kut Productions. It stars Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, and Gaurav Khanna and is loosely based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series, Sreemoyee.
The show has been gaining popularity with each episode, and the current plot revolves around Anupama planning to open a new dance academy after facing opposition from Dimpy.
Kanta and Bhavesh have offered their support and suggested that Anupama open the new academy at their house. In this article, we will cover all the information about the upcoming episode’s plot twist.
Must Check:
- Anupamaa: Barkha Offer Maya to Join Her to Over the Kapadiya Empire!
- Anupamaa: Anupamaa Plans to Open a New Dance School
- Anupama: Upcoming Story: Pakhi and Kinjal Take a Stand Against Vanraj for Anupama!
Anupamaa: Anupamaa and Kanta Enjoyed the Scooter Ride!
In the next parts of the show, Anuj hangs out with Choti Anu and gets to know her better. Maya is happy to see Anuj with Choti Anu, because it makes her feel like her family is now complete.
Choti Anu asks Anuj about the saree she asked him to get for Anupamaa, but Anuj just makes up a story to get away from the subject. Maya is sure that Barkha will take care of things at the Kapadiya house while she is with Anuj.
Pakhi also tells the Shah family that Anupamaa was kicked out of the dance school by Dimpy. Samar tries to protect Anupamaa, but Leela, Vanraj, and the other members try to convince him that he was Anupamaa’s pride and that he should have stopped her from leaving.
Barkha stirs up Dimpy at Kapadiya house by telling her that the Shah family wants to break the bond between her and Samar. Dimpy gets very angry and stops the Shah family from talking about the problem. In the meantime, Anupamaa, Kanta, and Bhavesh hand out flyers for the new dance school.
Anupamaa borrows a scooter from a friend and takes Kanta for a ride while thinking about the times she rode the same scooty with Anuj. Barkha also brings Anupamaa’s things back from the Kapadiya house, telling her that Anuj asked her to do so.
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In the meantime, Samar tells Dimpy that he is going to marry her or threatens to leave the Shah house.
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